2016年2月15日 星期一

Goods, Goods, Goods

某人問我:「又free goods,又public goods,其實Goods(商品)有幾多種嫁?Please。」

作為一個負責任ECON Blogger,我一定會招呼粉絲嘅提問。

DSE ECON課程提及Goods(商品)的確好多,但主要考核就有3大類別。

第一種:Economic Goods vs Free Goods

以稀少性為界限,可以將Goods分為Economics Goods同Free Goods。考評局Marking Scheme就曾經咁寫:
  • A good is regarded as economics goods as more of it is preferred (to less of it).
  • A good is regarded as free goods as only some of it is preferred (to none of it).

  • Economic goods is defined when the quantity demanded is greater than the quantity supplied at zero price.
  • Free goods is defined when the quantity demanded is smaller than the quantity supplied at zero price.
有時候我地仲可以話Economic Goods有Scarcity,Free Goods無。
當然仲有好多種論述,我好忙所以廢事寫咁多。另外,有讀過AL或者參考課外書,就會學到Bads(負值品)呢樣野,Bads are something that none of it is preferred. No one wants it.

第二種:Consumer Goods vs Producer Goods

以用途分類,Consumer Goods are goods which are for direct consumption/ satisfying wants. Producer Goods (又稱Capital Goods) are goods for further production.

Goods可以同時serve as Consumer Goods 同埋 Producer Goods。一個風筒可以當Consumer Goods自己吹頭,又可以喺salon當Producer Goods洗剪吹做生意。

第三種:Private Goods vs Public Goods

CE未見過,喺DSE隆重登場嘅分類方法。要參考大會指定答法,必然睇AL點寫。好多教科書都用rival in consumption同excludable嚟定義,但係始終你地得一次機會入大學,我就選擇答最保守嘅答案。
煙花是Public Good,因為可以同時Entertain好多人

參考下AL 2009年題目
AL 2009What is a public good? Give two real world examples of public goods that are produced privately, and explain why these private producers survive in the market. (8 marks)What is a public good?
Ø   A public good is a good subject to concurrent usages.
Ø   The consumption of a public good by one person will not diminish its availability to others.
Ø   It is the good when one individual uses, it will not impose any restriction on other individuals using the same good at the same time.
Ø   It is the good once it has been produced, the marginal cost of serving an extra user is zero.
Ø   The value of a public good to society is the combined value of all users who consume it; or the market demand curve for a public good is the vertical summation of individuals’ demand or MUV curves.
Why public goods successfully produced in the private market?Ø   It is because the transaction cost of excluding free-riders is not as high as economists traditionally thought of.

Give two real world examples of public goods that are produced privately.Ø   TV; radio
Ø   Music of Mozart/composers
Ø   Firework display of Disneyland (privately-produced)
Ø   Service of lighthouse (privately-produced)

Explain why these private producers survive in the market.Ø   TV; radio
n   Cable TV requires payment
n   Free TV like TVB and ATV offer commercial advertisement
Ø   Music
n   Music composed by musician is printed in CDs and sold to the public
n   Musicians who are alive can collect fee from copyright
世界上仲有好多有關Goods嘅分類,例如Merit Goods vs Demerit Goods, Exported Goods vs Imported Goods, Club Goods vs Common Resources. 有時間再寫下,希望幫到你 :)

